Welcome to the twenties world! I was once told that the twenties are the best years to make an account of precious memories of life, dreams and love–doing so in the most vibrant manner possible.
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chitchat: I wonder who still use tag board nowadays? recent update :
written on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 @ 11:23 PM ✈
9/8/06 national DaY!!! no school today... yet today still need to wake up 7 am in the morning my brother having his annual sport meet today as his sister i went to support him (i very good right) we were slightly late ... everyone was standing waiting for mr zainul... they came in a long series of motor he was in the first motor (he wasnt the one driving) quite cool to have so many ppl driving scooter of the same brand the bedok north NPCC were also there they got the a mini parade over there before the national flag ws taken out it was taken out bby three girls (cool) wee kian were also there the a mini helicopter carrying the flag around and kite quite a nice performance never seen it before the sport meet start off with the nursery ... first game - passing baron the blue group won and it started to rain at first iot was dizzing so the nursery race carried on but as the rain is getting heavier the race that coming up next for the k1- zippy race was change to the blk 616 void deck... it took the organisers quite long before it was ready after the zippy it was finally my brother turn scooping marble... my brother played two time as one of his member did not come(so sad) but still my brother's group won and got first!!!(hurraY) the other game continue it was then the price giving . the overall winning centre is blk 629 last time my centre!!now also my brother's centre they played at the playground for a while before going back home it was around 12 when i reached home ... then every as per normal... nothing special... writing the blog:yiing2 signing off time:11.52 0 comment[s] | back to top |